Release history


The following table lists a history of published releases for ANU Site Manager. The Release column lists the release versions. The Date column lists the their creation dates. The Notes column details important changes introduced in each release. You may filter releases by selecting options for Drupal version and Release status.

Release Datesort ascending Notes
6.x-2.3 29 Jul 2013

Fixed JavaScript compatibility issue with ANU Web Style.

6.x-2.2 15 Oct 2012

Update search form method per August style release.

6.x-2.1 15 Mar 2011

Added HTML header extras.

6.x-2.0 25 Feb 2011
  • FEATURE: Version 3 of the ANU styles are supported, via a switchable toggle in each profile
  • FEATURE: Style server locations are now set in individual profiles, this means (for example) that you can use two style servers (a live and test version) without disrupting your live site (Conditions and Virtual Sites modules required for more than one profile per site).
  • FEATURE: Individual query strings can be overridden on a per-profile basis.
  • The backend has been almost completely rewritten for maintainability.
  • FEATURE: Profiles now operate in "modes". The default mode is "normal", however if something goes wrong, the site manager goes to a Fallback profile. Individual profiles can also be put in Development mode.
  • FEATURE: Better performance on high-traffic sites. Completely built template objects are now cached using Drupal's default caching mechanism on a page-by-page basis.
  • FEATURE: SSL support rewritten. It is now possible to request SSL-ready styles for use on your site without making a slow SSL request to the styles server.
  • FEATURE: Connection debugging. Visit the debugging tab to see the current status of the connection to the remote styles server.
  • Better logic in the theme compatibility check.
  • Faster
  • Extra debugging information
  • Compatible with ANU Remote Styles Cache 2.0
  • Automatic upgrade from version 1.6 when running update.php
  • Remote style server connections are now fault-tolerant and will not throw a PHP error when failing to connect. Errors are logged to the watchdog.
  • Simpler $profile->save logic when using forms
  • Not having a style server set will no longer cause the theme loading process
  • to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where some site configurations would load the module early and throw a fatal error (thanks Steve L.)
  • Fixed an issue where caching settings were ignored
  • Fixed an issue where subject and description metadata was never being written to the header.
  • Many minor internal consistency and documentation updates

Removed in 2.0

  • Token, Filters and Nodewords support is being moved to add-on modules.
  • Google Analytics support has been dropped.
  • The plug-in example module has been removed
  • The site manager no longer checks for missing ANU-enabling modules.
6.x-2.0-rc1 9 Feb 2011

- FEATURE: Better performance on high-traffic sites. Completely built template objects are now cached using Drupal's default caching mechanism on a page-by-page basis.
- Better logic in the theme compatibility check.
- Fixed an issue where subject and description metadata was never being written to the header.
- Fixed support for Conditions
- Fixed ANU Search display options

Removed in 2.0-RC1
- Token, Filters and Nodewords support is being moved to add-on modules.

6.x-2.0-beta3 27 Jan 2011

- FEATURE: SSL support rewritten. It is now possible to request SSL-ready styles for
use on your site without making a slow SSL request to the styles server.
- FEATURE: Connection debugging. Visit the debugging tab to see the current status
of the connection to the remote styles server.
- Remote style server connections are now fault-tolerant and will not throw a
PHP error when failing to connect. Errors are logged to the watchdog.
- Simpler $profile->save logic when using forms
- Reinstated API timeout settings for remote styles requests
- Not having a style server set will no longer cause the theme loading process
to fail.
- Fixed an issue where some site configurations would load the module early and
throw a fatal error (thanks Steve L.)
- Fixed an issue where caching settings were ignored
- Many minor internal consistency and documentation updates

6.x-2.0-beta2 17 Dec 2010


* Fixes an issue where some profiles would fail to upgrade correctly, and then be deleted.
* Better upgrade information

6.x-2.0-beta1 14 Dec 2010

Version 2.0-alpha3
- Version 3 of the ANU styles are supported, via a switchable toggle in each
- Style server locations are now set in individual profiles, this means (for
example) that you can use two style servers (a live and test version) without
disrupting your live site (Conditions and Virtual Sites modules required for
more than one profile per site).
- Individual query strings can be overridden on a per-profile basis.
- The backend has been almost completely rewritten for maintainability.
- Profiles now operate in "modes". The default mode is "normal", however if
something goes wrong, the site manager goes to a Fallback profile. Individual
profiles can also be put in Development mode.
- The module is more performative and has a smaller memory footprint.
- Extra debugging information
- Compatible with ANU Remote Styles Cache 2.0

Removed in 2.0
- Google Analytics support has been dropped.
- The plug-in example module has been removed
- The site manager no longer checks for missing ANU-enabling modules.

6.x-2.0-alpha2 3 Dec 2010
6.x-2.0-alpha1 1 Dec 2010

- Version 3 of the ANU styles are supported, via a switchable toggle in each profile
- Style server locations are now set in individual profiles, this means (for example) that you can use two style servers (a live and test version) without disrupting your live site (Conditions and Virtual Sites modules required for more than one profile per site).
- Individual query strings can be overridden on a per-profile basis.
- The backend has been almost completely rewritten for maintainability.
- Profiles now operate in "modes". The default mode is "normal", however if something goes wrong, the site manager goes to a Fallback profile. Individual profiles can also be put in Development mode.
- The module is more performative and has a smaller memory footprint.

Removed in 2.0
- Google Analytics support has been dropped.
- The plug-in example module has been removed
- The site manager no longer checks for missing modules.


Developer information

Only the latest recommended release can be accessed from the download home page. The link to the package for an individual release can be accessed using the following pattern:[version].[extension]

Replace [version] with the version string (e.g. 7.x-1.0) of the release you wish to download and [version] with tar.gz or zip depending on what type of archive file you prefer.

Alternatively, if you want to use Drush to download a release, use the following command:

drush dl anu_site_manager --source="" [version]

Git instructions

The source code for this download originates from a Git repository. The repository contains complete change logs for all major versions of the download. The code and history can be obtained by cloning the source repository. Information about Git and its downloads can be accessed from the Git homepage.

Git repository URL:

The Git repository can be cloned by executing the following command:

git clone anu_site_manager

You can learn more about how to use Git to navigate and manipulate a local repository clone in the Pro Git book. There are also platform-specific graphical Git tools available, such as TortoiseGit for Windows and SourceTree for Mac.

Updated:  12 March 2025/Responsible Officer:  CMBE & CPMS Web Admin/Page Contact:  CMBE & CPMS Web Admin